Your Goals Don’t Care How You Feel
It’s all in our control. How we react to the outside world and what we do in order to move one step closer to our goals!
The title is something I repeat to myself every single day. It sure sounds like some Andrew Tate speech type of comment and you’re right, I’ve heard him say it, but that’s not the point. I would bet that 99% of successful people preach this mindset and live by it in their darkest days.
If you are familiar with Stoicism, that quote resonates a lot with it and I personally repeat it to myself constantly on those tougher days.
Of course, we all have them. It’s just.. 👇
Think about it this way..
You’ve set your goals — long and short term. Lets say they are to make X amount of money per month, create a startup, build more relationships, find a spouse, get a promotion.
You start working your way up to achieving does goals and all of a sudden one of those ‘bad days’, we all have at times, comes.
You get up late and rush everything in the morning. It’s raining outside. You spill your morning coffee. Your car got broken by someone random on the street during the night and now you have to go and fix it. You have a bad throat…